NSF wins the Gold Award for the second consecutive year 2024

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NSF wins the Gold Award for the best annual report 2023 for the second consecutive year under the category of ‘Public Sector - Research Institutions’ at the Best Annual Reports Awards Ceremony 2024 organized by the Association of Public Finance Accountants, Sri Lanka (APFASL), the Public Sector Wing of Charted Accountants of Sri Lanka. This is the 6th consecutive year that NSF has been honored with an Award at this competition. The NSF Annual Report 2023 reflected on the financial and physical performance, comprehensively, in summary format as well as in detail and graphical format including pictures. The exceptional work carried out by committed staff of NSF and the meticulous accuracy of the final accounts, even amidst of a turbulent economy and other challenges, played a significant role in winning the top Award.

Our sincere appreciation to the Ministry of Science and Technology for enabling support extended towards this great achievement