The National Science Foundation School Research Symposium – Paving the way to future research leaders

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The NSF school research symposium was held as the morning session of the National Science Day 2024 which was organized by the National Science Foundation jointly with the Ministry of Science and Technology held on Wednesday, 27th November 2024 in the auditorium of the Medical Faculty, University of Colombo. The symposium was held for the first time aimed at inculcating a research culture in the school system with expected benefits to the school students and teachers. It will promote critical thinking, inspire creativity, and spark innovations, ultimately shaping well-rounded individuals with the skills and insights that are needed to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors in future. It will further enhance their capacity and provide an opportunity to gain knowledge extending beyond the classroom. The symposium also provided students with opportunities to expand their network, and exploration of the world. Further, the symposium can serve as a catalyst for learning, exposing students and teachers to diverse perspectives, cutting-edge research, and industry trends. It is also an opportunity to go beyond textbooks, attend interactive sessions, workshops, and panel discussions led by field of experts. In addition, they will receive an opportunity to showcase their work, explore their passion for research and strengthen their presentation skills.

The programme comprised an opening ceremony followed by school students’ “Research Forum” and “Kid Forum”, In the Research Forum, research papers were presented by the students of Grade 9- and above. In the Kid Forum, poster presentations were made by students of primary grades on their nature observations projects respectively. NSF Director General Dr Sepalika Sudasinghe delivered the welcome speech and opening remarks and Prof. Saman Senaweera, Chairman, NSF addressed the students encouraging them towards research and innovation. Dr Jayantha Wattevidange, former Chairman of the NSF Working Committee on Science Popularization addressed the gathering with an emphasis on historical development of science and changes that have been made to the world with advancement of science. Addressing students, Dr Dilrukshi Ranathunge, Head of the Science Communication and Outreach Division highlighted the background and introduction to the programme. Sixty-two students of grade 1- 6 from different parts of the country participated in the Kids Forum, presenting their nature observation projects as poster presentations while 26 research papers were presented by the 65 students and 10 teachers. This research symposium provided a floor for students to expand their knowledge and skills to be emerged as the future research leaders.

The research symposium was organized by the Science Communication and Outreach Division of NSF under the guidance of Dr Sepalika Sudasinghe, Director General and Prof. Saman Seneweera, Chairman of the National Science Foundation. Mrs. Kumari Meegahakotuwa, Director General (Planning) attended the event representing the Ministry of Science and Technology.

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