Objective Science Reporting Programme

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Science reporting to the general public through media in Sri Lanka is not at a satisfactory level. We experienced that many disinformation (knowingly developing and disseminating incorrect information intended to deceive), misinformation (unintentionally distributing incorrect information), and mal information (disturbing information such as personal information intend to harm) based on science passed through some media channels to the public. Objective science reporting has also been ignored by many media organizations. This is due to lack of trained science journalists / reporters in the country, and / or decision-making bodies of the media organizations pay more attention and interest on other popular topics and political issues, rather than scientific issues, and lack of proper platform to media personnel to obtain authentic information and facts on science and scientific developments.

As per the Mandate of the National Science Foundation, the Media and Event Management Division (MEMD) is working on establishing the Objective Science Reporting (OSR) Programme with the objectives of ensuring receiving of authentic information and facts on science and scientific developments to the people and thereby improving science literacy of them, strengthening skills and attitudes of media personnel from media organizations on objective science reporting, and training and building the capacity of media personnel to take science to the general public, policy makers, and other government officials.

The OSR programme which is going to be established by the NSF is to report only accurate facts and authentic information relevant to scientific findings / innovation / or any other scientific development as a news story, feature article, documentary, or radio programme through establishing a Science Base and a Media Base. The Science Base will provide authentic scientific information and facts to the Media Base upon request received from them.

The MEMD so far has achieved the following targeting the Launch of the OSR Programme this year.

  • Developed a Concept on how authentic scientific information and facts to be taken to the general public.
  • Established a Science Base by identifying Contact Points from stakeholder scientific organizations and identifying Independent Scientific Group consisting of scientists from local universities and retired subject specialists from the above stakeholder organizations.
  • Established a Media Base with media personnel from media organizations.
  • Organized Orientation Sessions for the Contact Points, Independent Scientific Group, and for the Media Base.

The MEMD is working on the following.

  • Providing training on "Science Communication to the General Public" for the Media Group and Contact Points / Contact Persons.
  • Launching of the Objective Science Reporting Programme (OSR) by meeting the above three groups together.