NSF Lab to Market Model - Awareness Session on NSF Technology Grants Schemes in Collaboration with the EDB

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“A great opportunity to develop or improve an innovative product/ process”

An insightful awareness session on Technology Grants Schemes of the National Science Foundation (NSF) was held on 16th August 2024 in collaboration with the Export Development Board (EDB). The event aimed at informing and educating potential applicants from export-oriented industry sector about the various grant opportunities available to support technological innovations and advancements. The event was conducted as two sessions in the morning and afternoon as there were more than 180 registrants interested in grant schemes.

The Director General, Dr Sepalika Sudasinghe delivered the welcome and opening remarks highlighting the importance of fostering innovation and the role of NSF grant schemes in driving technological advancement. This was followed by a detailed presentation on the different grant schemes offered by the NSF, including eligibility criteria, application processes, and the types of projects that can be funded within the scope of the grant scheme.

Participants had the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session, where experts from both NSF and EDB addressed queries and provided valuable insights. The interactive nature of the session ensured that attendees left with a clear understanding of how to leverage these grants to support their technological endeavors. The event concluded allowing participants to connect with peers and experts, fostering a collaborative environment for future innovations.

In overall, the awareness session was a resounding success, providing crucial information and support to innovators and entrepreneurs looking to make significant contributions to the technological landscape. NSF has created NSF hotline (Eng. Mahesh Dissanayake 0714192964) and help desk (0112696771 Ext. 126 -Eng. Sureshinie Warnasooriya and Ext. 141: Ms. Sarani Meneripitiya) for supporting applicants from industry sector.